Poker is a waste of money

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Quotations about poker, from The Quote Garden. [Poker is] as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you could find outside an advertising agency. ~ Raymond Chandler. You have it in your power to turn aMost of the money you'll win at poker comes not from the brilliance of your own play, but from the ineptitude of your opponents. ~ Lou Krieger. Paying Taxes on Poker Winnings in the US Poker players must pay taxes on their winnings in the US.Even if a player lives in a state where online poker is explicitly illegal there is still a responsibility to pay taxes on those winnings.Most people that do not have a home mortgage interest deduction or donate a lot of money to charity will... Why You Lose the Most Money in the Last Hour of a Poker

MultiPlayer Poker: Waste of money Review

Is coaching a waste of money? Oh, and too long, don't read ... OP You bring up very interesting concepts to me, about the validity of a poker coaches credentials and the rates at which they charge. This hits me in Waste of money - definition of waste of money by The Free ..., they waste all their income trying to get on TV or win the big tournament and sometimes they do win it, but then they put all that money on the linePoker can be very rewarding, but if you are thinking of playing professionally you have to know it is a job, it has to be taken seriously, and it will...

Barbara, Australia Something that I waste money on would probably be books. I always buy books. I love reading. It's terrible if I'm stuck on the train or waiting for something and I don't have something to read so I tend to buy a lot of books, novels, a few magazines, reader's digest and also I waste a lot of money on shampoo because I have long hair and I have to wash my face every day. Top 10 signs of slot machine addiction

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